Full house for Euro qualifier against Wales

2019. május. 14., 12:55   |    

Full house for Euro qualifier against Wales

The Hungarian men's national team take to the pitch against Wales in their next home Euro 2020 qualifier at 20.45 on 11th June. Tickets for the match went on sale on Friday morning for Supporter’s Card holders, and by Sunday all tickets for the match had been snapped up.

As is customary for national team matches, Supporter’s Card holders were able to buy tickets first, at a 15% discount. Club members took advantage, all tickets being purchased in just a couple of days.

Supporter’s Club membership carries many advantages alongside priority and discount ticket purchases. Members receive a newsletter keeping them informed about the national team and can participate in regular prize draws which bring the possibility of meeting national team players. You can register for your Supporter’s Card at szurkoloiklub.mlsz.hu.

Interest in Marco Rossi’s team has been huge, more than 6,000 purchasing season tickets for the Euro Qualifiers before the first home match against Croatia in March.

Due to the misbehaviour of a minority of supporters at the Slovakia – Hungary Euro Qualifier, UEFA has punished the MLSZ by ordering sectors D3 and D4 to be closed for the match against Wales, reducing the stadium capacity by 3,000. D3 and D4 season tickets holders will receive tickets for sectors D1 and D2 for the match. Those who purchased their season tickets online will be informed about this and receive their new tickets via email, at the email address given when purchasing. Those who purchased their tickets at a ticket office should email mlsz@tex.hu in order to receive further information on how to receive their tickets.

Interest in the Budapest matches at Euro 2020 is expected to be high. Supporters can register at the UEFA website for free, those who do not running he risk of missing out on the opportunity to purchase tickets


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